D-Max provides assistance with all components of Municipal Storm Water Permits, both Phase I and Phase II. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Jurisdictional Program Planning/Reporting
- Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plan (JRMP) Writing
- Ordinance Updates
- JRMP Annual Reporting
- Regional Board Audit Assistance
- Grant Application Assistance
- Jurisdictional Program Implementation
- Storm Water Compliance Inspections: Industrial, Commercial, Municipal, Structural BMPs, Construction
- FOG Inspection Services
- Case Resolution
- Dry and Wet Weather Monitoring
- Data Management/Analysis
- Personnel Training
D-Max developed Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Programs (JURMPs) for several cities in San Diego County in 2002, in accordance with RWQCB Order No. 2001-01, in 2007-08 for RWQCB Order No. R9-2007-0001, and updated and revised Jurisdictional Runoff Management Programs (JRMPs) in 2014-15 to meet current RWQCB Order No. R9-2013-0001 requirements. The JRMPs included detailed plans and timelines to implement permit requirements. We also prepared comprehensive databases prioritizing municipal, industrial, and commercial facilities, as well as construction projects based on threat to water quality and proximity to environmentally sensitive areas. D-Max has also prepared JRMP annual reports in accordance with storm water permits and the JRMP and Watershed Urban Runoff Management Program (WURMP) implementation requirements. D-Max has developed a number of methods to analyze program effectiveness, and we also assisted clients with addressing comments from the RWQCB. This included coordinating and meeting with the RWQCB to review and address their comments. Several sections of annual reports prepared by D-MAX have been deemed exemplary by the RWQCB. We have also prepared and updated storm water ordinances and BMP manuals for many cities.
D-Max has assisted clients in applying for grant funding from the Proposition 84 Storm Water Grant Program (SWGP), which provides matching grants to local public agencies for the reduction and prevention of storm water contamination of rivers, lakes, and streams. The goal of this work is to acquire funding for the city’s public improvements that will benefit water quality. Grant funding was awarded for multiple projects.
D-Max has completed over 30,000 inspections for industrial, commercial, municipal, residential, treatment control best management practice (BMP), and construction sites, and developed BMP requirements for such facilities and activities. We have produced the industrial and commercial inspection form used by many Copermittees in San Diego County, the BMP implementation and storm water knowledge assessment scoring system now adopted by many jurisdictions, GIS-compatible inspection databases, prioritization flow charts, and a pollutant discharge potential assessment (PDPA) system. D-Max personnel are experienced in assessing site compliance with local and State requirements, recommending corrective actions, educating responsible parties, and working with municipalities and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) staff. We have also developed streamlined deficiency resolution procedures to minimize the time and cost of case resolution, and increase clarity for businesses and property managers or owners. Our extensive experience with storm water compliance inspections has provided us with an in-depth understanding of potential sources of various pollutants generated by industrial, commercial, municipal, and construction activities, and appropriate BMPs necessary to prevent pollutant discharges. Inspectors are trained to identify illegal/illicit connections and illegal/illicit discharges (IC/IDs), BMP deficiencies, and are able to identify the best recommendations on a case-by-case basis. Our inspectors are experienced, knowledgeable, and professional in their role as an extension of our client’s own staff. Additionally, we have completed pilot programs for residential inspections and outreach specifically targeting pollutant generating activities like irrigation runoff.